Wednesday 17 June 2009

Tired, hungry, bored, thirsty, hungry and tired.

So I'm approaching the end of my fourth month in Korea, and I can't help but feel that I've been wasting my free time.

Sure, I've been to fortresses, palaces and Korea's answer to Blackpool, but I feel as if there is so much more that I could be doing than just sleeping in, teaching and drinking on the weekend. Which is part of the reason that I have decided to stay in Korea when my summer break rocks around at the end of next month. The fact that all my friends will be in a booze induced haze in the Phillippines because they have their holiday a week before is also a major factor.

But the fact remains, I need to get the flock out of the cities. Hopefully my upcoming white water rafting trip will give me an opportunity to see some of Korea's apparently beautiful countryside.

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